
You might not want git to track some frequently changed values. Like color scheme or some other settings. Those settings can all define in an optional Lua module.


Rename the lua/custom.example.lua file to lua/custom.lua, then make your modification. The .gitignore file contains the custom.lua file already.

Create a new configuration table and return it at the end.

-- example
local my_config = {
  theme = "kanagawa",

  langs = {
    { "go", "gopls" },
    { { "javascript", "typescript", "javascriptreact", "typescriptreact" }, "eslint" },
        python = {
          analysis = {
            autoSearchPaths = true,
            diagnosticMode = "workspace",
            useLibraryCodeForTypes = true,

  -- configuration for null-ls lsp injection
  null_ls = {
    enable_stylua_fmt = false, -- require stylua executable

  autocmd_enable = {
    fcitx5 = false, -- require fcitx5-remote
    lastline = true,
    diff_on_commit = false, -- might mess up your window

  markdown = {
    -- must be executable
    preview_browser = "chrome",

return my_config -- <- Don't forget to return this table, or the config will not acceive what you configured


Current supported options:

themecolorscheme, read colors for tips and tricks
autocmd_enableList of auto commands that you want to toggle on or off
langsAn array of language layers for nvim-treesitter and lspconfig
markdownMarkdown options


This fields contains an array of language layer definitions.

  • Single string or an array with item tells the editor to load nvim-treesitter only for this languages.

  • An array with two items tells the editor to load both of the nvim-treesitter and lspconfig plugins. And the second items for the multi-items array should be lsp server that you want to enabled.

  • If the array contains three items, the third item will be considered as server configuration and will be transfer to the lsp server.

  • Available Lsp Servers

  • Supported Languages for treesitter

  • Lsp Server Configuration


fcitx5Enable fcitx5 auto toggle when switching insert and normal mode
lastlineEnable auto command that jump to last edit line when you open neovim
diff_on_commitEnable auto command that open diff window when you commiting

Per language configuration snippets


  • Config

C/CPP can be configured to use clangd as default LSP server.

{ { "c", "cpp" }, "clangd" },
  • project setup

The clangd respect your cmake settings. You will need to provide the compile_commands.json file for clangd to identify your project correctly.

$ ln -s Debug/compile_commands.json .
  • Makefile

If you are writing C and using the Makefile, you can use the :Dispatch or :Make command to easily build and debug your code.

  • Resources


Add the below script into lua/custom.lua file.

langs = {
  { { "javascript", "typescript", "javascriptreact", "typescriptreact" }, "tsserver" },

Inject eslint into tsserver by enable the null-ls option:

null_ls = {
  enable_eslint = true, -- require eslint, useful to combine use with tsserver
  enable_prettier = true, -- require prettier, useful when you want format in js/ts{x}

Trouble Shooting

  • Neovim notify that their is no executable in $PATH

Please make sure that you have configured node.js/deno PATH correctly. If you are using node version manager like nvm or other stuff, please make sure you have enabled correct version before you start the neovim.


The plugin rust-tools.nvim has already set up LSP, format, and debug utilities.

See for what it can do.

This plugin will setup lspconfig itself, please don't write lspconfig manually.

  • Inlay hint

The rust-tools.nvim setting is located in lua/plugins/coding/config/rust-tools.lua. And inlay hint is set up automatically after you open rust file.

But it will not prompt up by default due to some unknown bug. It will only show up after you save the buffer. So you need to manually run command :w when you first open the rust code.

  • Code action

You can use the keymap LEADER ra or keymap gx set by LSP to view and select the action for Rust code. Also you can press LEADER rr to run test or function.

  • Code format

You can use gf to run the LSP built in format API. It will called the rustfmt program.

  • Debug

You need to install lldb-vscode. Then run :RustDebuggables, it will open the debug panel automatically.

  • Rust Analyzer Settings

You might want to make some specific rust-analyzer settings for your project. You can create a file with name .rust-analyzer.json in the same directory with the Cargo.toml file. Then put all the configuration you want into it.

Configuration reference:

For example, if you want to enable all feature when editing the code:

# cd to the root directory of your project
echo '{
  "cargo": {
    "allFeatures": true
}' > .rust-analyzer.json
  • Gallery

Please read demo.